Believe and value yourself and build loving and positive relationships with others.

Purpose of Loving Me

The purpose of Loving Me is to help individuals love themselves, accept their strengths and improve their weaknesses, and make informed choices for themselves, their families, and the other individuals they are responsible for.

Who Am I?

Welcome to my website. I am Wanda Mack. The podcaster for Loving Me Today. Let me tell you a little about myself. I have been a teacher, counselor, and administrator. I have lived and worked in the United States, Germany, Japan, and Italy. I enjoy traveling.

My sense of travel and adventure has taken me to several places, such as London, England, Paris, France, Budapest, Hungary, Prague, Czech Republic, and Salzburg, Austria. Over the last 6 months, I have traveled to Egypt, Africa. Bangkok, Thailand. It has been very interesting to observe, learn, and interact with people in other countries.

I am also an author of children’s books, a certified life coach, and an executive business coach. I am a mother of three children and a grandmother of two grandsons.


I will rejoice because I am special and was created for a purpose. I have so much to be grateful for. The Earth where I exist was perfectly planned, designed, and created for me.